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Do You Know Which Type of Grout to Choose for Re-Grouting in Fairfax, VA?


While 2020 has certainly encouraged millions of homeowners to become DIY masters in some regards, we do recommend leaving re-grouting to the professionals. For instance, when looking for grout for your shower and for your tiled floor, do you know which type you should use and why? If not, that’s going to become a problem, most likely. For example, never, ever utilize the pre-mixed grout that you’ll often see front and center at your local big-box store. This is lower quality and usually doesn’t last very long. Second, do not utilize perma-color grout mixtures. This, from what we’ve seen, often results in terribly discolored tiles, as the grout haze is starkly apparent and you essentially will have to tear out all your existing tiles due to the discoloration of surrounding tiles. Call The Grout Medic of Northern Virginia today to learn more about why it matters which grout you should use at 703-634-4646!

tile re-grouting in Fairfax VA

At The Grout Medic of Northern Virginia, we’re performing re-grouting services every single day in Fairfax, VA, and surrounding areas. We’ve been doing so for over sixteen years and are both licensed and insured in the state of Virginia. Secondly, we offer all new customers a 100% free, no-obligation consultation that will show you exactly the extent of our capabilities. So, if you’re looking for residential or commercial re-grouting services, you can rely on the local professionals at The Grout Medic of Northern Virginia. We highly recommend that you obtain multiple quotes from re-grouting companies in our area so you’ll have a slight “baseline” for approximately what the cost of the job will be. Then, we recommend checking each company’s online reviews and determining how long they’ve been operational in our area. Who you hire matters – in the end, the cheapest company may actually end up costing you more if you have to hire another company to fix their mistakes.

re-grouting company Fairfax VA

So, when it comes to re-grouting in Fairfax, VA, and surrounding areas, make sure to rely on the local experts at The Grout Medic of Northern Virginia. You can always call if you’re stuck in the middle of a re-grouting project and simply want to ask us a question, too. We’re here for you and you can reach us by calling us at 703-634-4646 or by filling out our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!

Ready to Revive Your Tiles and Grout?